Pakistan reaffirms resolve to promote human rights

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ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister of Pakistan Khawaja Asif, in a statement, reaffirmed on Sunday country?s resolve to promote and protect fundaments rights of humans on Human Rights Day, which is being marked today (Sunday). 

The statement, issued by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, stated: ?This year, the Human Rights Day assumes special significance as it coincides with the 70th anniversary of the adoption of Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).

In the last seven decades, considerable progress has been made in advancing and safeguarding human rights across the world. This day provides us an opportunity to reaffirm our resolve to promote, and respect human dignity, rights as well as needs.?

Foreign ministers added, ?on behalf of the people and Government of Pakistan, I wish to reiterate our strong commitment to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms, as well as needs.

Pakistan has demonstrated its resolve by enacting wide ranging legislation, establishing strong institutional machinery and putting in place robust policy measures in the field of human rights. Pakistan's Constitution serves as an anchor and guarantor of fundamental freedoms and human rights of all Pakistanis.?

The statement said that Pakistan?s government is emphasising on the creation of an inclusive society as envisioned by the Father of the Nation, Quaid-e-Azam, Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Protecting, strengthening and promoting respect for human rights is a solemn duty of every State towards its people.?

Foreign Minister remarked: ?Pakistan's success as the newly elected member of the Human Rights Council (HRC) this year is a testimony to the confidence reposed in Pakistan by the international community as a consensus builder within the international human rights policy framework.?

On the day, Pakistan also demanded full respect for the people in Indian-occupied Kashmir and Palestine. ?This day should serve as a reminder for realisation of one of the fundamental rights - right to self-determination.?

Pakistan wishes to reaffirm its full diplomatic, political and moral support to the Kashmiri people in the just cause for human dignity, respect and inalienable right to self-determination, according to the statement.

?While we commemorate this day, we should not lose sight of the worrying trends such as xenophobia, Islamophobia, intolerance, discrimination, and hate crimes against migrant communities that have clouded the achievements in the field of human rights. Let us redouble our collective efforts in making sure that the true spirit of UDHR is fully adhered to by states across the world,? foreign minister added.  

from GEO TV - Pakistan
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